I am so sick.
Of myself.
Do you know what I mean? I'm just fed up TO HERE with me. I feel boring, uninspired, whiny, ridiculous, apathetic, and just TOTALLY BLEH. I feel like white bread looks. Just meh. Seriously, I wish someone could just reach through this screen right now and slap me, wake me up. Or, bring me pills.
Is it a stage or something? Or am I seriously just this meh bleh eh meh? I look at my camera and shrug and go meh. I look at my stacks of cookbooks and think about what I could whip up with those babies and I go meh. I look at my dogs who want to go for a walk and I go meh bark bark meh. I look at my phone and think about all the peeps I could call for a chat and I go meh. It's just meh meh meh meh meh. Oh my god, someone pull my head out of my ass before I whine us all to death. What a snore I am!
I was just going to write "I can't seem to get hooked into anything lately!" - and I realized it wasn't quite true because you know what I thought of? Yep. Food. I don't feel meh when I think about sushi or good food or a blow-my-lid-off dessert. I get all squirrely and excited. So there you go - I thought of a non-meh thing. Gawd, let's throw a party. Throw back a shot of whisky. Run around the block naked, screaming "I LOVE SOUP" - just for the hell of it. See, now that would be exciting, wouldn't it? Or at least arresting, literally.
You know, I didn't have any real idea of what this ramble was going to be about but it actually came full circle for me, considering the recipe I'm going to toss out here. I was feeling meh and bleh a few weeks back - it was a Sunday morning and I decided to dig through my recipes to see what My Royal Boringness might throw together. Well, I came across a recipe I'd been meaning to make for MONTHS - it was from my dear friend, Joan, who comments here and she sent it to me ages ago. Why I waited so long, I cannot tell you. Just sheer idiocy.
Let me just ask you this: have you ever had a muffin melt in your mouth? No? WELL IT IS SO NOT MEH OR BLEH. So, if you've been feeling meh or bleh - I swear on my future grave you MUST make these muffins. MUST. Do it this weekend and don't look back. Swear to me now, NOW!

French Breakfast Muffins
I never knew a muffin could be so exciting. So simple, yet so exciting. Am I alone in this lack of knowledge? Does everyone else on the planet know the awesomeness of a dang muffin, but forgot to fully inform me? Whatever the case, these are incredible and I really mean it. I don't know why they're "French" and I don't care; I don't why they're called "Breakfast" because a person really should eat them all day long, as far as I can tell. I just tilted my head back in ecstasy because I just had a little muffin flashback. Well, better than an acid flashback, I suppose. Anyway, eat these warm - when warm, they pretty much just melt in your mouth and it's heavenly. You will have leftover melted butter and cinnamon sugar but FEAR NOT! Just tear off little pieces of muffin, dip in butter, then in cinnamon sugar, place in mouth and then think "Thank you, Ann's friend Joan, thank you". That's all.
1/3 c. butter, melted
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg (preferably room temperature)
1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 c. milk
Topping (option: cut topping in half*)
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 tsp. cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a medium-large bowl, sift together all dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients and stir just until combined, but still a bit lumpy. Do NOT overmix; overmixing will ruin the texture of the finished muffins. Also? Don't overmix the batter. Finally, don't overmix. Scoop batter into muffin tins that have sprayed with cooking spray. Using a large ice cream scoop, I got 8 medium-large muffins out of this batter; I think you could get 10-12 muffins by distributing the batter a little less generously. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until they just start to turn a bit golden at the edges.
For the topping, mix sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Place melted butter in another small bowl. Dip the warm muffins in melted butter (you can dip just the top, but it's even tastier to dip the whole muffin!), then dip/roll the muffin in cinnamon sugar. *May have left-over topping; the extra topping can be used for dipping, while eating the muffins (oh my). Another option is to cut the topping ingredients in half. CONSUME, ENJOY, GO CRAZY!
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Scrumptious muffin!!
Get well soon!!
That explains my life....all I need is a muffin! Will I be cured? Have you saved my life? If so, you can have the blogging rights :)
Tee hee - Meh Bark Bark Meh. That should be the name of a new punk rock band. Ooooo! A punk rock band that throws these muffins at the crowd!
Hope you're doing better :)
You are an incredible photographer, do you know that? Believe me, it could be your next career. You have made those muffins look quite beautiful in their crystalline sugar coats.
Those look fabulous! I'll have to try them. :)
Those are beauties!!
I've made something very similar before but called a cinnamon sugar donut. I used turbinado sugar instead of regular. Loved the added crunch! That's a great idea to use the left over cinnamon sugar & butter as a dip! Brillant!!
Hope you are premanently out of your funk, at least for a little while!
I wonder if I could use these to bribe my new "team" at work on Thursday? Of course that means I have to get up early to bake....maybe I'll just buy something instead.
well I love you, so there
These look delicious. I'm going to go bake right now! Hope you feel less meh soon, it's quite a cruddy feeling.
January and February in Minnesota gives us all a case of the "mehs". You just can't tell because we're so bundled up we look like the Michelin Man.
I truly love the French Muffin. I made these for the teen/child some time ago, and I thought, "I'm never leaving the kitchen again."
Maybe I'll have a muffin with my tea! Perhaps it can absorb some of the whine that I, too, appear to be afflicted with of late. (I was with you all the way through your post.)
RE: "...I feel boring, uninspired, whiny, ridiculous, apathetic, and just TOTALLY BLEH.
Judging by my circles of the blogosphere, there's quite a bit of that going around. Seems as though overall activity is WAY down compared to say, a year ago. Maybe we're all growing up? Getting lives? Doing things that were available to us before there were computers? ; )
And you couldn't be boring if you tried, dear. : )
The muffins look fabulous. (!!!!)
muffins may be my favorite thing to make--the possibilities are endless! your description of these makes them impossible not to try.
incidentally, (shameless plug alert) they'd be perfect for my cinnamon celebration. :)
Oh my. Those muffins looks and sounds so damn good!
Your blog is ace and I love the recipes you post! Keep it up :)
Ok first - I hope that comment you deleted was about your muffins. LOL. I can't say that word without giggling.
I love muffins! Heheehe, see?
My friend always saves her muffins at restaurants so she can ask "Can I have a box for my muffin?" and then we fall on the floor laughing hysterically - of course hoping in vain that they will call the people with the white jackets so we can get some good sheeet to go with the muffin. I know. We are 12.
Anyway, I would like an award for my patience as I remember a Tweet a while back about how you found the fourth dimension of the muffin... after I giggled I tweeted back that I NEEDED to know this information. Radio silence. I won't hold it against you because you have obviously ponied up here.
Your Meh and your Bleh are probably just old friends popping in for a visit. Like my MIL, I usually have to give those guys a specific time frame for their visit. That way I know how many pills I need to survive it.
I just drooled on my keyboard. I gave up sugar for '09....and you do THIS to me.
I can taste the sugar and cinnamon...virtually of course!
Oh dear, hope your meh fase will go away soon! But remember meh or no meh we allways love you, specially when you bring muffins like these!
Too funny - are we all on the same meds? Or lack thereof?
This is part of an e-mail I just sent yesterday! "Bleh. I think I turned my light box off too soon this winter and am feeling a bit slumpy." So, it's goin around!
These muffins look divine as usual, and remind me of some little orange mini muffins that get dipped in butter and rolled in sugar - yeah, you get the idea! Anyway, thank you for the highly entertaining post!
Yeah "meh" phase is what I like to call WINTER. Winter has drained all of the life out of me. I miss the sun. Valium is my bestest friend in the winter time. :-) I know bad, right.
dear ann, you have described what i failed to put in words of my feelings the past month. It's probably why i've been shopping so much and yet feeling pretty empty, useless and just 'bleagh' as you have so posted. it's pretty annoying since this lull doesn't really seem to be dissipating. anyhow, i baked some lemon poppy seed cake in hopes of 'reviving' myself (think reviving a dead body in ER) and it kinda worked for a bit but the effects have since worn out. Thankfully, these muffins are cheering me up much!! :D thanks ann! u're a star. xxx
I get meh days a lot too. I have all the stuff available to be creative, and, well, the sponge is dry so to speak.
I love the look of these muffins, they look like a gorgeous baby that a cupcake mummy and a sugar doughnut daddy had! ;)
First of all -- those muffins look divine, literally. I'm seeing little muffin halos left and right. Of course, having been made by you -- I'm thinking that they are divine.
Hope the "Meh"s go away soon. Perhaps a trip to Georgia is in your future, eh? hintity hint hint
I've had "meh" weeks myself. I think these muffins would pull anyone out of their "meh". They look AMAZING! DELISH!
It must be the time of year, I've been feeling like that for a while.
The muffins look so good, I'd love to rip that sugary top off and dive head first into the soft, pillowy middle.
Ann, I feel JUST like that exactly once a month : )
Usually dark chocolate, red wine, and extra strength tylenol gets me through it, but I'll ned to bookmark this muffin recipe as an added weapon in my arsenal.
My bleh could beat up your bleh anyday.
Just look at that muffin, I think it winked at me!
Mmm, I've made french breakfast muffins before, they came out great. so comforting, no?
My girlfriend made these many years ago when she invited me to coffee. They were soo yummy. I will try these tomorrow.
Big sigh here,,,, it is just the time of year, January and February are always "bleh" months in my book. But this too shall pass, spring is getting closer every day. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
OK OK I will make the muffins :)
These muffins were incredible! I added a little cinnamon to the batter as well.
They really do melt in the mouth!
You sold me on these muffins! I can't wait to make them now! I hope you are having a better day! I always have bleh days too!
Muffins as the cure for the February Blahs (or is it the February Mehs)? That's the kind of medicine I'm more than happy to take. :) Thanks for sharing... I'll be making these this weekend.
I just made these and they're amazing! Thanks for the recipe!
I made this in my high school cooking class once and they were a big hit. These look great.
I made this in my high school cooking class once and they were a big hit. These look great.
Thanks! I made these in mini muffin tins and they were absolutely delicious.
Where are you? If you simply can't find the time - get your ultra-funny husband who probably has too much time on his hands to post! ;-)
Time for some new muffins, Muffin. : )
These are the Pioneer Woman's French Breakfast Puffs! The ingredients are halved. I've made them. They're delicious.
These are simply wonderful!!!!
These look so DAMN good and how simple. These will cure whatever ailes you!!!
These look beautiful! They'd lift anyone out of these horrible winter doldrums!
Thanks -
Yummy and I need to bake these!! Great photos and thanks for sharing!!
You now what? I've been feeling like that too. My life is always the same. School, home, school, weekend then it starts again. I have to make these muffins. I LOVE MUFFINS! I really love muffins however I don't have a muffin pan thingy.Hmmm . . . . .
I made lemon curd and clotted cream muffins today...
I just couldn't help but think of you and wish I could run them over for you to enjoy.
Ann, there's a small, but fantastic typo at the bottom of the post: "bake for 20-25 muffins..."
I love it.
These muffins are awfully mouth-watering! And would keep me busy in the kitchen, again. My cousins are going to visit our place next week. I think this would be just perfect for them and these muffins sound so tasty.
I am going to make these today for my kids when they get home from school! Sounds good whether it's breakfast or not!
My mom made these all the time, and we actually call them melt-in-your-mouth muffins. :P But we use boxed yellow cake mix for the muffins and then top them the same way ^_^
I made them as soon as i saw the recipe and i think i put too much flour in it. . . but next time im guna try 1 1/3 cup AP Flour and a tsp of vanilla extract
I have made these muffins for years. I found the recipe in a Country Living magazine and they are called "Feather-Light Muffins".. These are unbelievably good. Friends and family constantly begged me to make them.
Hi ive linked my blog to yours, your recipes (& goofy sense of humour) is awsome check out my cupcake blog:
My my my, these are delicious. I made them with little toast cups of egg and cheese, and they were sooooo perfect.
Aw, man...these look so good! I'm gonna make these right now. Thanks for the recipe!
Never met a muffing I didn'tlike. Totally mouth-watering. I could melt one in my mouth right now.
aw, so have been in the blah place!
i in fact feel it coming on once again...
however! chocolate chip banana bread seems to be the cure. and blog support :)
cant wait to try this recipe! love, meaghan @ http://clutzycooking.blogspot.com/
Just StumbledUpon this recipe via FoodGawker and my 5 year old son asked when I'm going to make them.. LOL, he has good taste. Looking forward to trying them. Thanks for sharing.
My family has made French Breakfast Muffins (Paris Puffins) from the Betty Crocker cookbook for over 30 years now. After my twin sister and I grew up and married, we both decided that the "muffin" in this recipe is a bit on the bland side of things, as far as recipes go, so we decided to do a remake of it.
Here's the "new" recipe:
Cinnamon Spiced Muffins (Paris Puffins)
1-1/2 cups flour (or organic whole wheat pastry flour)
1/2 cup sugar (or organic evaporated cane juice sugar)
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/2 cup milk (or coconut milk or soy milk or any type of "milk")
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 egg
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, coriander, and allspice. In small bowl, combine milk, melted butter, and egg. Stir into flour mixture just until moistened.
Grease muffin cups (36 miniature; 12 regular; 4-5 jumbo). Spoon batter into muffin tins. Bake 10-12 minutes for miniature muffins; 20 minutes for regular; 22-24 for jumbo, until edges are lightly browned and wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove immediately from pan or tip up so bottoms of muffins are exposed. (If muffins seem to stick in the pan, wait a minute or two and try tipping them up again.)
Meanwhile, combine 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon in a shallow dish. Roll warm muffins (or just the muffin tops) in remaining 1/4 cup melted butter, then sugar-cinnamon mixture. Serve warm.
i just made these an hour ago they were yumtastic i added vanilla and cinnamon to the muffin mix i have two very picky kids in the morning and i'm hoping they eat these i've frozen some so we'll see how they do with that
These are definitely great muffins to munch on! How I love the aroma of freshly baked muffins.
i just made these and they were very good but they weren't as airy as i was hoping. Is the batter supposed to be more on the pie/cookie dough side or closer to a liquid like blueberry muffin mix is? any ideas for ideas to make them a bit lighter?
I just made these and they were DELICIOUS. I've posted about them on my blog, and mentioned you too, so have a look! :) http://oxytocinandother.blogspot.com/
These muffins are unbelievable! I can't believe I've lived without them for so long. Thank you thank you thank you!
These were a hit at our home! We loved them so much they were featured on our blog! www.hotmomshelpfultips.blogspot.com
Yummy! -Robyn
I JUST made these and they came out small and look like donuts?? anyways..... doesn't matter. they were delish!!!!! thanks a lot! I just passed this along :)
I just finished baking these and they are delicious! Thank you for the post!
I made these recently! I did a blog post on it too. thank you for sharing!
Ah Pinterest, the website that allows us to find even older blog posts and create fatting food.
These look delicious and I shall have to try them.
However, you do know that to get a egg to room temperature, all you have to do is let it sit in a bowl of warm water while you get everything else ready.
I'm forever "warming" my eggs for almost all of my receipes
I've pinched this recipe and will try it. Next time you feel bleh, try making something for a person less fortunate than yourself., Life is NEVER bleh when you can do things for others....only when your life revovles around you.
I've made a similar recipe, only it had apples in it as well. TASTY!
Success! Loved them! Ma
de some with blueberries and some with raspberries and some just plain Jane...ALL delicious! THANKS!
I tried these tonight and they were wonderful! I've shared my version of the recipe on my blog as well: http://accordingtomaria.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/simple-muffins/
Thanks for sharing!
has anyone tried to freeze them? are they still yummy re-heated? :)
Made these this afternoon after seeing on Pinterest, and they are every bit as simple and good as promised! The only change I made was to dip the entire muffin briefly in the butter as opposed to just the top. OhmyGod. The leftovers are fabulous heated for about 10 sec in the microwave. Thanks so much!
Definitely going to have to try making those!
I have made these for years but they are called French Do-nuts in my cookbook. Only one thing different. Pour half the batter in the muffin cups add a spoon of jm and then the rest of the batter. Bake and dip and roll. Mm Mm good!
These look great! Haha and of course "muffins" is a well known measure of time ;)
While doing my daily morning browsing of blogs I stumbled upon yours & I'm so glad I did. After seeing this recipe I decided I had to make it for my breakfast this morning. I posted my outcome on my blog & left a link for others to find the original recipe here! Thanks so much for sharing. It was DELICIOUS!!!
For the topping, a half cup of butter was a bit of a waste. I used 1/4 of a cup and still had leftover butter for dipping. Also, I made these as soon as I found the recipe this morning. And I am eating it now. So good!
These are so good! We're having them for Thanksgiving morning breakfast...Mmmmmmmm.
I love a muffin that taste like a doughnut.
these are so good. i changed your recipe slightly and added orange zest from 1 orange and cinnamon instead of nutmeg. delish.
I'm making these right now! Will let you know how they turned out :)
Something 2 Write About
Ok, the verdict is in! They taste suppppper good and are so delicious warm. The sugar topping can be tasted through the whole bite, and it really enhances the overall flavor (I think it would be kind of bland without it). I put them in for 20 minutes and they were perfect. Slightly softer in the centers, firm to the press on top, and golden along the rims.
Instead of nutmeg (which I didn't have), I used vanilla extract. The topping quantities need not be so much though, I had a ton of sugar and melted butter left over.
Hop over to my blog to check out the photos! Very good, easy to make, and a quick fix for our evening sugar craving.
Something 2 Write About
There in the oven right now!! SOOO EXCITED to see how they turn out!!
I LOVED these. So simple and delicious... they tasted like donuts! My only tip is to mix them very gently and to not mix them at all once they're combined. Because I'm super OCD so I kept mixing them "just to be sure," and they turned out just a bit tough. As long as you don't mix them too much they're amazing! The perfect little breakfast treat. :)
I made these last night, and am making again this morning for my parents. They are WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing love!
These were fantastic! I used cinnamon in the batter and added 3 tbsp of unsweetened apple sauce and 1 peeled diced apple...they were a huge hit! Thanks!
This muffin was perfect! I saw it on pinterest and was really happy because I actually had all the ingredients I needed! I absolutely LOVE nutmeg... so I tried these right away. They were a little denser than I expected but sooo yummy. Thank you for brightening my day with these yummy muffins!
Tried your recipe & LOVED it! I'm going to double it next time because the only fault was that there weren't enough! :-) We posted it on our blog & linked back to you here if you want to check it out: http://www.ratetheplateutah.com/2012/01/eat-in-french-breakfast-muffins.html
The boyfriend is out plowing all the snow we got and left me on my day off to relax and bake. Can't wait till he comes home to these muffins (unless I eat them all). They are delicious and so easy to make.
I just made these and they are heaven! I used fat free milk and low fat butter and they still turned out great... Thanks for the recipe
that looks like on effing dang delicious muffin!
I will be trying these out over the weekend, I also have a cupcake maker to try out as well... I cam probably make mini versions of these!!
These were amazing! I did a couple without the 'dip' for my two year old and he loved them. I didn't have nutmeg so I used ginger, cinnamon, and cloves (3 equals parts that made 1/4 teaspoon). Next time I will be sure to have nutmeg! The texture was amazing! They practically melted in your mouth. Great recipe!
Well after all that, I'd better give em a go. Lol
This is just like the Donut Muffins I make, except they're made in mini-muffin pans. They're like little donut holes.... soooo yummy!
:/ My sister and I made these and neither of our batches raised properly.. What could be the problem?
These look fantastic, can't wait to try them!
I made these today and the taste was not bad, but the were dry... and I only baked them for 20 minutes. The edges were barely brown... maybe with ice cream they would be good, but by themselves they were just ok.
Ok I made them and they were terribly dense, the batter was extremely thick too..I double checked everything...Help?
My step-mom used to make these when we were little. I was always amazed at the way they simply melt in your mouth. I lost the recipe somewhere along the way, and she doesn't remember making them. I have been searching for this recipe for 2 decades as a result. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Rebecca - if the muffins didn't rise, my thought would be you may have forgotten the baking powder, that'd be my best guess.
Anonymous - I'm not sure why your muffins turned out dry; I've never had that happen. I wish they'd turned out better for you, bc they are truly de-lish!
Anonymous - if they turned out dense or thick, that's usually due to overmixing the batter.
Stephbo93 - Awww, how WONDERFUL! I'm so glad you have found your Step-mom's muffins again...that brings a smile to my face. I so agree regarding the fact that they melt in your mouth :). Enjoy!
These muffins... These muffins... They are bloody brilliant. Super simple to make, beautifully decorated with a cinnasugar mixture, and melt in your mouth like the butter so cleverly slathered upon their browned muffin tops. I was almost in a meh-rut, so caught up with doing well in school and creating a balance between school and social life. I'd forgotten the full-fledged pleasure I get from good food. How does that happen? By just grabbing anything that's simple or quick to make and eat instead of taking the time to mix sugar, butter and sugar to make homemade muffins rather than those just from a just-add-water package. These muffins lifted me from that rut. I am so overwhelmed with joy from something as simple as a muffin I just want to hug something. ANYTHING and make someone try a muffin! Thank you for sharing the recipe and thanks so much for relieving me of my impending life-rut. Magnificent, these muffins. -Donniesha Tank
SO delicious!! I had a hankering for something with a cup and tea and NOW! Thanks to Pinterest I found you and these lovely muffins. I had two but let's tell everyone I only had one!!
So I saw this recipe, sent a text to my friend and 10 minutes later we were baking away. These are the BEST muffins I've ever made. Thanks for my new favorite :)
So glad I'm not the only one feeling "meh"!!! Thank you for posting this. I just literally looked at 3 different cookbooks and ordered pizza and a salad, instead. Meh...maybe next time! ;)
yum yummmm! I was searching my Pinterest boards the other day to find something warm to make with my daughter on a cold, rainy day. I asked her to pick betwee: snickerdoodles (cinnamon cookies), cinnamon breakfast bites, or these 'cinnamon muffins' I called them. She chose these (smart girl) and they were awesome and soooo easy for us to whip up! Thanks for the recipe, I blogged about it here:
~Mejia Mamma~
I just made these and they were delicious (not as pretty as yours but delicious none the less). I am so not a baker, but they turned out perfectly (despite their aesthetics).
The top reasons why I love them
1)I found all of the ingredients in my pantry/refrigerator
I can't wait to make them again! No wonder they got you out of your rut!
I am SO making these this weekend!!!!
Just made these with my 3 and 5 year olds. They were a huge hit and the boys loved "swirling" the muffins in the cinnamon sugar! Thank you for posting this recipe.
was feeling pretty "meh" myself lately as well.. stumbled upon this recipe via Pinterest. So glad I did! was very inspired :] good to know i'm not the only one with days like this.. keep your chin up :]
I made these today, but I didn't expect them to be so sweet--my sugar tolerance is really low I guess..:( I only used 6.5 tbs of sugar for the cake part, and I still thought it was too sweet. They weren't really melt in the mouth either? Did I do something wrong? :( But they went well with a glass of milk :] Gonna give these all to my sugar-loving dad! thanks for the recipe (:
I'm not sure why these are called 'French' breakfast muffins, because anyone who has grown up around real french culture will tell you that they NEVER cook with cinnamon!
You feel like white bread looks? You must feel delicious! ;)
I have made this type muffin for years. It's my kids favorit. My twist is to make them mini muffins and roll(and I mean a quick roll) them in melted butter and then roll them in a powdered sugar cinnamon mixture. Talk about melt in your mouth. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....oh sorry, I'm day dreaming.
Just made these..I got 6 muffins out of the recipe. At first, I was a bit hesitant when i saw how thick the batter was but it baked splendidly =). Thanks for sharing!!
Don't just top them - dip them in the melted butter and roll them in the cinnamon-sugar mixture!
My favourite variant on this is to put half the batter in the muffin tins, put a dollop of raspberry jam in the middle, and then top with the rest of the batter.
Careful - the jam really holds the heat when you take them out of the oven! Soooooo good, though.
Thank you x 5000000!!!!
I made a couple with blueberries and some with raspberries. I used some regular sugar in the topping and the rest turbinado. OMG I AM IN HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!
I have a small business making muffins and scones and this recipe was a little different from any I had created so I was anxious to try it as is. OK, well I kept the base recipe the same except for adding 1/4 tsp cinnamon(next time I'd add more) and I topped with Sugar in the raw before baking (next time I'd also add chopped pecans). Then I made a cinnamon Maple glaze to drizzle over (powdered sugar, little milk, maple syrup, and dash cinnamon)! These had a good buttery texture, a little dense but very soft. Overall really good and not overly sweet.
God has a plan, even on the "bleh" days. Trust me!
And, WOW, these look delicious -- gotta try 'em! Thanks for sharing!
These are really yummy! I made a few changed to make them much less fattening though. I cut out the oil completely and used unsweetened apple sauce instead and I replaced the sugar in the batter with splenda. (I still used real sugar for the topping). Also, for the topping instead of using butter I sprayed the muffins with fat free cooking spray and added some fat free butter flavor sprinkles to the cinnamon sugar mixture and then rolled the muffins. Really delicious and will definitely make them again!
these are really good using the original recipe..my son couldnt wait for them to cool down next time though ill use half the butter for the topping.
My mom's been making her muffins this way for years while I was growing up =) Great memories of my childhood.
I have just read the blog before your recipe and it was hilarious, made-my-day-funny, I don't care what the recipe is now I'll make it even if it contained offal :D thank you for making me realise I'm not the only one that feels meh
Oh...my...gosh!!!!! These are a little piece of HEAVEN!!! Definitely NOT meh!!!!! May be my new favorite sweet! We're having it for dessert after dinner! Made mini-muffins and got 17 easily! Thank you!!!!!
Made these this afternoon and it was very easy and OMG they are soooo delicious!!! Maybe to yummy LOL
I never have any recipe turn out right but these looked just like the photo when I was done, I was so impressed! =0)
Just, made these today, thanks !! I made them gluten free by replacing regular flour with a gf blend :-) delicious !!!
I made these this morning and although they smelled wonderful, they had the texture of biscuits! My boyfriend called them muffin-shaped biscuits :( but they were great with a spot of butter and jelly once the muffin tops were devoured. Thanks for sharing!
Anon (from 8-30) - they would have that texture only if batter was overmixed. Glad you liked them! Next time, leave the batter more lumpy - do not overmix. :)
Since I didn't have any cheese to go with all that whine, I skipped to the recipe and I have to admit they weren't half as bad as the musing that came before it.
Made these this morning and they're delicious! Turned out perfectly!! Thanks for sharing!:)
Made these this morning and they were delicious! Turned out perfectly!!:) thanks for sharing!!
found your blog on pinterest :)totally made these the other day and had to make another batch because I loved them that much! they came out perfect!!
found your blog on pinterest:) and this awesome recipe!!! I already made them twice last week and there just toooo delicious!!shocking to say, this was my first time baking cupcakes and I was blown away at how they came out so perfect! loved them!
We love love love these muffins! However, my kids always have a hard time eating them because they come out so big. So today we tried them in our 24 count mini muffin pan and baked for about 15 min. They were much more managable to eat and still delicious! Thanks for sharing!
I tried this recipe this morning as I was having 15 women over and never baked before, the recipe seemed simple & straight forward so it was really encouraging! Anyhow, these turned out AMAZING!!!! The women raved about it & almost all wanted the recipe! Yayyyyy!!! Thank you for sharing, saved my butt!
Christa - I'm SO happy these turned out so great! Phew, the pressure! When you're having 15 women over, you def want something that turns out well. I'm happy to save your butt anytime :D !
did you store in fridge?
Must have been fate that this showed up on my wall tonight. My Mom used to make these and she called them French doughnuts and I was thinking about that this weeken. Searched her recipe box and couldn't find it! I have been feeling meh all week ! She had a stroke a few years ago and I really miss cooking with herThank you!
I have been wondering if these would freeze well......any idea?
Hi Felicia - that's such a good question, and I wish I could answer it for you :). I've never tried freezing them, but now I'm curious too...I will try it next time I make them. If you try it, please let me know - thanks!
My batter turned out a little dry, so I added extra milk. Hope they turn out; they sure do smell yummy!
This looks really good, can't wait to give it a try
So, you blogged this three years ago and here I am on a Friday night with PMS hormones raging and it's 8:30 and I'm contemplating making muffins... (Probably will just settle on my 3 year olds Halloween candy stash) - but I have PLANS for these bad boys... Which ironically enough I ACTUALLY have all the ingredients for - which tells me God WANTS me to make these... Tomorrow morning...
Well, I really do love muffins and this recipe looks really promising. But they cannot possibly be French : there is not such a thing as a French muffin (nor is French toast French in that respect). Muffins are part of the traditional British cuisine, and 10 years ago no one in France knew what a muffin looked or tasted like.
James - This is my friend Joan's family recipe, so I used the name of the recipe as it was written. I find that recipe names aren't always literal, but nonetheless have still earned the right to keep their original name, no matter their country of origin. If you do try them, I hope you enjoy! Maybe rename them British French Breakfast Muffins ;).
I just made these: pros: very easy and quick. Con: it only made 6 muffins so I'll need to double the recipe to feed my gang. I added 1/4 tsp cinnamon to the mixture as well as some sugar and cinnamon to the top of the wet batter before baking. (Skipped the dipping option. I'm 55 and don't need the extra butter on top that goes right to my middle.) Good but not incredible. I will make them again as I can't have soy and most breads and mixes have something I can't have in them so I need to do things the old fashioned way and "make it myself". I will continue to tweak the recipe as these are a bit plain for my palate.
I made these again with cake flour which has less gluten (I think that's right) cause the first time I made these, they got very gummy as I chewed them and were just a pretty gross consitency: a big blob in my mouth! I've had wheat flour do this too which is why I think it is the gluten. Cake flour was better. Any body else have any suggestions re: this gumminess? Pastry flour maybe?
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THANKYOU. These are wonderful. Just finished putting one in my mouth, I could probably eat 10 more but I only have 9 left.
Hmmm! I'd love this or some of your other recipes linked up here! http://michellesfavoritethings.blogspot.com/p/tuesdays-tasting-party.html
I just made these and they are DELICIOUS!!!!
I just made a batch of these and they are friggin' DELICIOUS!!!
Made these yesterday and they are delish! Making a double batch today to feed the gang some during the week.
Made a batch of theese yesterday and they are fabulous. Making a double batch today to feed our gang for the week.
I am going to HAVE to make these this week! My little girls just got back to school and it would be such a treat in the morning for them. Thank you for the recipe!
thanks for such a great recipe! I have had this bookmarked for sometime now and finally made it. it is such a simple recipe but delicious. They remind me of these cinnamon sugar donuts my mom used to buy from the local farm market when I was a kid. delicious. they even smell like them! My boyfriend is away on a rotation right now (we are in PA school) and I sent him a care package and these were in there...he loved them! I made a second batch for myself, naturally haha
I wrote a post on your muffins:
Having read this I thought it was very enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!
I sprinkled the muffins with cinnamon/sugar mixture before baking. Also, these are killer with honey. :)
I saw the muffin on food gawker, which graciously linked me to this post, and eventually led to the muffin being nom'ed to nothingness. Thanks for the recipe <3
Just make the muffins. They looked so good! I do think there was something missing...Maybe more nutmeg and add some cinnamon? I think I would make a strudel for the top instead of the melted butter.
Your funny :) Muffins are amazing! Thank you for sharing. Have a NON meh day!
is it possible to get a print button in the future? thanks! love your site..
Delicious! Made a batch of these and they were finished in a day. The taste of carnival mini doughnuts in a muffin--fantastic!
made em. yum!
they didnt look like yours but again, yum.
I am an avid baker, and these are a beautiful muffin with a delightfully light texture. As always I made some minor changes ... I substituted almond meal for a third of the flour, replaced 1/2 the millk with almond milk and added blueberries. i also added a couple pinches of cardamom to the topping mixture. I have to admit I never tried the original recipe. I made them two days in a row, as my family begged for more! Thanks for the inspiration.
Just made these and they are delish! I made a second batch with 3 ripe bananas and I think it made these even better! Def will keep this recipe handy, very simple :-)
Unbelievably delicious! I got 12 out of that batter; pretty sure that won't be enough! :)
I just made these and they are all gone already! So good!! Reminds me of donut holes
Oh God I just made a batch of 10, added some cinnamon and chopped pecans to the batter....they truly melt in your mouth, I've left half of them only :S but totally worth it!
I have used this recipe now over ten times for different events and socials. It is the best go to for those last minute invitations!
Did you use a cupcake tin or a muffin tin? Because you keep saying muffins, so I'm picturing, you know, big muffins out of a muffin tin. I used a cupcake tin and barely got eight "muffins" out of this recipe.
Hi Loose Seal - I just use cupcake tins. I'm sorry you barely got 8 out of the recipe, I'm not sure why - I've never had that problem. If you do make them again, I hope they turn out perfectly for you. If you have actual muffin tins and try them, let me know how they turn out!
Ann :)
I just made these and they are delicious!! They were so easy to make and I love that I didn't need to use my blender.
Found these on Pinterest and made them this morning for my husband's bday breakfast treat! We enjoyed them! I used a muffin tin and got 9 large muffins! (I filled them a bit more than I should have!) Thanks!
Just made your recipe and posted on my blog!! www.dietstartstwomorrow.com. It came out amazingly thank you :)
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One word...yummy! The family and I LOVED these sweet morning treats. Thank you for sharing! (o:
More, Please! Cupcakes
making these this weekend. can't wait to try them.
I am making these tonight for bfast tomorrow but I added chocolate chips and cinnamon into the mix. I also am making it into a bread instead of muffins. Excited to see how these turn out!
I love those, adding them to my wish list.
Love these, they are so easy to make and delicious. Made them at least four times this month.
Holy MOLY am SO making these.
♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.
Yummy Sunday morning breakfast today!
My daughter makes these and sells them at the local Farmers' Market and everyone says they're "awesome", which they definitely are. She calls them "Dirt Bombs" but I don't know where the name came from!
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I too have been 'meh...' and so I started out on a quest to find some little morsel of breakfast excitement and viola! Here I am about to get out my favorite kitchen utensil - MY SIFTER!!!
Thank you Ann and Joan.
I love these. I woke up this morning and knew this is what I wanted for breakfast. Thanks for the recipe!
ok... I just made this and the are AWESOME! I'm not a big fan of baked goods, cakes, etc. but THESE a sinfully delicious and I am not sure how I am going to refrain from eating them all in a frenzied binge! Thank you for sharing... my hips are not impressed though, lol...
ok... I just made this and the are AWESOME! I'm not a big fan of baked goods, cakes, etc. but THESE a sinfully delicious and I am not sure how I am going to refrain from eating them all in a frenzied binge! Thank you for sharing... my hips are not impressed though, lol...
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AHHH. My mom used to make these years ago.. and I never had the recipe. They are so good! Like, really THAT GOOD. I am so happy to have found this.. and your 'boring' post, which was very funny.. so thanks for both!
Can you make freeze these?
I made these multiple times and they are AWESOME! They are the perfect size and give me big time Auntie Points!
I have these in the oven now but is the batter suppose to be thick? Mine is as thick as cookie dough. Doesn't seem right but I followed the recipe.
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