Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What's For Christmas Eve Dinner?

How about this? Oh yeah, baby. THIS is it.

Seriously, this is all we really want for dinner. This is the Red Velvet Cake that has been in my family for about 50 years. It's the original Red Velvet Cake - none of that cream cheese frosting crap or buttercream nonsense. This is the real thing. The first time I made it for Tony, he pretty much asked me to marry him all over again; it really is that powerful. You could harness the universe with the power of this thing, I venture. Here is my original post about this utterly ridiculous cake. And Abe, if you're reading this? Again, YES, it really IS that good. We aren't pulling your finger on this one.

Okay, so really - what else are we having for tonight's dinner? We are feasting on Lemon Pepper Popovers with a Gruyere bomb in the middle, Smoked Salmon Bisque, and King Crab (yes, again!).

And for dessert? The motherload of all cakes.

Happy Holidays to all! What are you having/did you have for the feast? Do tell!

Go ahead
, lick the screen.


  1. What a beautiful cake! And the rest of your Christmas Eve dinner sounds just as marvelous. We had a melty cheese and seafood thing going on here, too. Baked brie with lingonberries and Spanish Saffron-Spiced Seafood Stew (a little alliteration there). Do we think alike or what? A joyous holiday to you, Tony, and the boys!

  2. Oh why didn't I look at this earlier? Now I am craving cake and I'm not sure k-mart sells buttermilk! Merry, merry!

  3. oh yeah baby! I'm so totally into this for dinner. I hear that! amen

  4. That original post is what found me your site! We have the utterly ridiculous conversation all the time, lol. That cake isn't just amazing. It is like out of this world, coma inducing, extraordinary.

    For Christmas the last few years we have joined our Brazilian friends for dinner on Christmas Eve for a wonderful salted codfish and vegetable dinner with beans and rice and of course I bring the desserts! This year I brought sticky buns and quadruple chocolate cake (another one courtesy of you and another utterly ridiculous cake).

    Happy Holidays to you!!

  5. Hi Anne - Merry Christmas - we are having champagne, crab cakes, duck, and a buche de noel that I am going to post right now!

    Love the cake - am surprised you didn't just start with that and forget the rest!

  6. Will you marry me?

    Hope your holidays are wonderful!

  7. Thank you, my screen is now clean! Tasted awesome!!!
    Merry Christmas Ann, hope you had a great one!

  8. Rest assured... this glowing screen got a tongue bath after that gorgeous cake picture loaded and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a saintly (yet oh-so-devilish) red velvet cake. Oh me... oh my.

    I've missed you, my confectionery friend.

    God bless your site for its hip enhancing qualities. You make me want to be a better housewife.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In my dreams, we had a luscious crab soup that I tasted for the first time last year, with warm sourdough baguette slathered with roasted garlic, and a lovely chardonnay. We started with goat cheese and candied walnuts in endive boats, and ended with - what else? This lovely red velvet cake.

    In reality, it was grilled cheese and ramen, with Peppermint Joe Joes from Trader Joe's for dessert. Which - considering I was with my sons, whom I love more than life? Just as good, my friend, just as good.

  12. Did you get my previous comment, that I deleted? LOL! If not, I'll let you know what I wrote - but you have to keep it a secret!

  13. i always happily accept the side effects of ingesting copious amounts of red food coloring (and cake) when red velvet cake is served. yours looks lovely.
    hope your christmas was as wonderful as your christmas eve dinner! :)

  14. Merry Christmas! I do believe it was merry allright with that magnificent cake!

  15. Yum! That cake sounds divine!

    Happy 2009!

  16. screen has been licked! and well deserved! hope you had a great Christmas!

  17. So, okay, we've never met and all that, but can I please PLEASE come to your house next year for Christmas? Please?????? I'll bring the vino!

  18. Can you move in with me until my pregnancy is over? These temptations are KILLING me? Crab legs and now THIS? *sheesh*

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Glad to hear it my friend!
