Saturday, September 13, 2008

Here I Go Again

On the hiking trail again today. Ahead of me were two women walking a large sheepdog.

Woman 1: You know what I read recently - is that in larger cities like in New York, you can now rent pets. Isn't that great?

Woman 2: [laughing] Are you serious?

Woman 1: Oh yeah! You can rent a pet for while, or a weekend, or rent one for a walk. I mean, I guess in a big city maybe you don't want a pet for life, but it'd be nice for here or there, or for a day.

Woman 2: Yeah, I guess it's a good thing huh? You can sell anything these days!

Woman 1: Yeah, like maybe if you were a divorced Dad and had the kids for a weekend, you could rent a puppy or a dog for the kids. Or if you were lonely, you could rent a dog for the week. What a great idea! Pet Rentals!

YEAH. Because animals don't bond at all, hmmmm? They have no feelings, no separation anxiety, and should be treated as RENTAL PROPERTY, yes? Let's just rent them out to the kind of humans who actually think animals are rent-able and continue to reinforce the notion that we humans seem to think that creatures other than us are disposable. Yes, brilliant.

Next up: how I feel about renting abandoned children! Not sure if you want children?
Rent a Kid! Try it on!

I swear I need a room in my house where I can just smash stuff. I need a fainting couch.


  1. I read about too somewhere and think it's absolutely crazy. I can't even believe someone could run a business like that and look in the mirror at night. How do they even screen the people who 'rent' these poor animals?

  2. ugh, the type of people that would rent a pet probably have no idea about looking after an animal :P

  3. Oh honey I'm sorry you had to listen to those goofy women. That would be enough to piss me off royally. Instead of smashing stuff though you should bake something. yeah. do that. you will definitely feel better. and hug your pooches too!

  4. I started to read this and thought "hmm, could be an interesting idea"...doh! Yeah, I don't have pets, and it's probably a good thing. Obviously I'm totally clueless! Thanks for setting me straight! ;)

  5. Actually, I think there is a new place in san diego where you can rent a room for a few minutes and buy a bunch of things and smash them all to pieces.

  6. Oh, what a wonderful idea for a new business! Not the rent-a-pet thing, but a place to smash things! You could scour garage sales, etc. for dishes and let people have at it!

  7. You poor dear. You feel things so acutely. People like that aren't worth getting all worked up about.

    You just pick up the nearest rock and crack them a good one ...

  8. F**king idiots. >: ( Also makes me wonder what kind of animal "advocates" are on the other end doing the renting.

  9. well maybe paris hilton can try this instead of buying dogs and dumping them when they get too 'big'

  10. I agree with monkeygirl. Let's open Smash 'n Bash. You get a free baby for a week with your first room rental.

    That'll ensure that you'll be back.

    Fainting couches are back by the bar. We'll need that, too.

  11. People are so stupid and cruel. I saw a man riding a bike the other day while his dog was forced to run beside him on a leash. It's like mothers (if you can call them that!) who walk way too fast for their toddlers, while holding their arms and forcing the poor little babies to run alongside them. And of course there's much, much worse. I can't bear it. What is wrong with people???!! I ask that question everyday and the universe is completely silent on that question. I join my voice with yours in the cosmological rant! Why, why, why???!

  12. Although basically the idea is rather insane, I almost think by dogs would enjoy being rented out - they might even get a decent walk for a change. Kid rental...hmmm.. there were certainly times I was entirely willing to just give them away.

  13. That's the kind of person I would love to rent to have a fight with. Are people stupid? Guess so...

  14. Meagan: Good point! How DO they make sure these animals are even safe with these poeople???

    Grace: Another GREAT point!

    Lisa: Yep! Hug your pooch too!

    Kspinning: I totally love your honesty. You're awesome.

    Jennywenny: I am ON board! Now that's a business I can support.

    Monkeygirl: I know, interesting huh? Smash Boutique.

    NV: OMG, I actually thought about that....

    John: Yep, I wondered the exact same thing.

    Laura: I know, girl, I know.

    Flutter: I know! You'd be in the smash room, with ME! :)

    Abeer: LOL, don't even get me started on that gal, :)!!

    RLL: BRILLIANT, per usual!!!

    Firefly: COSMOLOGICAL RANT!! I love that!!!!!!

    Giz: That's funny - I bet you're not alone in wanting to give those dang kids away at times. ;)

    CC: Another brilliant idea - let's rent those folks to fight with! :)

  15. Hi there - just passed along a blog award to you:

  16. my my, you gotta wonder, but hey, at least they were hiking-- they might have just rented someone to do it for them ;-)

    just stumbled on your blog and it's been a fabulous read :)

  17. Wow, that's really, really weird. It's like pet prostitution, but without the... ya know.

    Did the women rent brains? Cause they should go return theirs... they don't need them :)

  18. what a ridiculous idea! frankly, i'm sorry you had to listen to such a moronic conversation. i've lost several iq points that way. :)

  19. I rent out each of my testicles seperately.

  20. What a strange concept. So many things that used to be in these futuristic movies with people that don't feel... no empathy... how odd.

    So, I wanted a dog. But I waited until my youngest baby was old enough. At that point, we sold the house with a yard. I knew our new little place was not going to cut it for a dog. I'm not a dog person right now... but I know enough to know that I can't possibly be a good dog mommy. I wouldn't go and rent a pup just to prove it.

  21. Gosh, just when I was looking for supplemental income. I think I'll place an ad on craigslist (surely there aren't any crazy people that respond there) renting out Simon and Hallie for a weekend. I'm sure they would love to spend a weekend with some kids pulling their tails, poking at them, and enjoying their company.

    My sarcasm is free~

  22. Isn't it horrible how some people view (or don't view) the feelings of their pets?

    I am continually amazed and disgusted by the insensitivity of some to the plight of animals.

    Blessings to you, Ann.


  23. Here's an idea, let's rent out the idiots who came up with this idea to local prisons. Try out prison! See if it's right for you! Grrrr.

    On a positive note - if this appalls you (and it SHOULD), you can do something to offset the anger. Volunteer to walk the dogs at the Animal Humane Society - they always need the help.

  24. That makes me sad. I'm an animal lover and the thought of rent-a-pet is wrong on so many levels.

    *le sigh*

  25. Right on, sister! What a hideous concept. The poor animals wouldn't know if they were coming or going, and I'm sure they'd end up with trust issues.

    You should try shadowboxing - I'm distinctly unathletic but it's great fun for getting out tension. Or, closer to home, kneading a good batch of bread dough. And the smell of it cooking is soooo soothing. Better than therapy :D

  26. I don't know what idiots came up with that Rent-a-pet idea. Maybe we should rent those idiots out.

  27. what exactly is a fainting couch?

  28. I think the idea of renting pets as a business is deplorable--for all the same reasons that you mentioned.

    On the other hand, our local Animal Care and Control people will rent homeless animals to college students for an afternoon. They get a little bit of money for the care of the animals, and most of the animals wind up getting adopted that way.

  29. Ugh. Friggin people amaze me sometimes.

    I really like the idea of a fainting couch. They should sell them at Ikea.

  30. yea i heard abt the rent-a-pet schemes out and about, it's ridiculous i tell you. cruelty! someone should shit in a bag and post it to such rental places. geeez.

  31. That is nuts! What's this world coming to...a pretty scary place!

  32. wow, renting pets? i am speechless. some people are just morons.

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