Thursday, June 5, 2008

Please Excuse The Mess

Let's see, hopped on my blog a few minutes ago to find the layout/formatting on EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY post altered. And then I keeled over and died for a while. When I miraculously came to - I noticed that Blogger performed a little "update" on June 5th - today. Well, that update, Blogger, effed up my entire blog. What am I gonna do? First, I'm gonna go sop up the blood that just boiled out of my ears, then I think I'll knock on the neighbor's door and ask for a cup of sugar and perhaps a spare valium or ten, and then I'll hope against hope that Blogger will fix the bug because I already tried to fix just one post, to no avail. Cocktails anyone? GOOD TIMES.

[Update: think I might have just fixed it. If so, I just keeled over and lived.]


  1. I see it fine Ann! Well done on getting it fixed. I think Blooger might have some issues, yesterday when I was trying to get to my blog it sayed "Blog deleted"... I paniqued for a while but when I tryed again 1 minute later it was all there... Anyway, even if you fixed it can i still have a cocktail?

  2. it looks totally fixed now. and i was just looking around on your blog, and i love all the pretty food pictures :D

  3. Clumbsy - OH MY! You must have freaked out! Come on over for a cocktail...or ten...

    Grace - Oh, thank you! I think it might be fixed - quelle drama! :)

  4. Looks good to me, too. Glad it's OK.

    In fact I would love to have some of those cookies about now.
    Probably ought to eat some dinner instead though. :-)

  5. You have a neighbor who has spare valium in the house? I'm going to need your address (and the neighbor's) now. ;-)

  6. NV - it was a near melt down. Thank god I made brownies today.

    Jennifer - Address on its way!!! :)

  7. TypePad removed the titles to a week's worth of posts last weeks while they were doing "upgrade." Grrrrr.

  8. I'm so glad I wasn't home posting this afternoon. It would have been too early for tequila.

    Obviously they fixed it. Whew.

  9. OMG, I'm so glad it was them and not me, because I seriously thought I was losing it. I can see why you lay down and died for a while. How traumatic! Think about it, we entrust so much of our lives to strangers (and technology), it's a miracle that things work as well as they do!

  10. Jenn - isn't it just frustrating? I mean, how does that happen?

    Standing Still - Omg, so lucky you didn't see it, that bottle woulda been empty, I swear it.

    Firefly - It was THEM, not YOU. :)

  11. All looks good! Glad you were able to fix it, how stressful.

  12. I live in terror of changing my blog layout for fear that will happened to me...

  13. Rather amusing idea
