Friday, April 4, 2008

Bloody Heck, Where's The Red Velvet?

It was not an April Fool's joke, I promise - I really did make that luscious, white, utterly ridiculous Red Velvet cake to which I alluded below - and I *will* post about it. Thing is, my Dad and Stepmom arrived in town - so there is quite a bit in the brew; we're living under the nearly constant threat of a game of dominoes. So, you can sense the pressure - I feel like an eyeball in the late stages of glaucoma. Okay, okay. I exaggerate - but I had to come up with something to hide the fact that I was cleaning the slime in my house prior to their arrival. So, there it is. There was evidence to hide, for flour's sake. You do understand.

So, my hope and intent is that I will write a rather annoyingly-long-winded-post about my dearly beloved Red Velvet cake...sometime...over the weekend.

Once again, story developing [roll your eyes here].


  1. have you heard of the glaucoma med Xalatan? it is the number one selling glaucoma med in the world. it might help

  2. Yes, but, would Xalatan work on metaphorical pressure or strictly on physical? Please advise! Oddly, one of my hubby's bestest friends sells glaucoma medications. Coincidence? ;)
